Aamir Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, Fatima Sana Shaikh starrer Thugs of Hindostan is set to release on Diwali 2018 but Anil Kapoor, Madhuri Dixit, Ajay Devgan starrer Total Dhamaal will also release on same date. So the two big movies with have a major clash at boxoffice. Recenly director Inder Kumar has announced that his film Total Dhamaal featuring Anil Kapoor, Madhuri Dixit, Ajay Devgan, Ritesh Deshmukh, Arshad Warasi and Javed Jafari will set for Diwali 2018 release. So both the films have clash on Diwali 2018. Check out more about the clash in this video. Anil and Madhuri are back on screen after 17 years with Total Dhamaal.